Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Practicing Awareness

Sydney and Oliver after our Sunrise Walk
I am an account executive for a large technology company.  As a sales person, every moment that you are not working translates to a dollar that you are not earning.    I am also a certified yoga instructor - stark contrast, I know! As a yoga teacher,  I have encouraged my students to slow down, breathe, and become aware of the things that are happening around them.  The subtle change in temperature, a child's laughter, the color of the leaves.    Sometimes it can be difficult to practice what you preach.  Several months ago, my typical day started with waking up,  grabbing my iPhone, checking my schedule for the day and reading my corporate email - all before my feet hit the bedroom floor.  Before my morning coffee, I was already worrying about some issue that arrived in my inbox during the evening or how I would accomplish all of the items on my task list for they day.  Practicing awareness was impossible when my mind was already processing the day and the next day and when am I going to formulate my Thanksgiving menu?  When my son got Sydney back in May, I fell in love with her.  She woke me up every morning, howling to get her day started.  Forget the iPhone....there were more important things to do like eat, play and walk.  Her persistence inhibited my ability to think about anything other than what she wanted to do.  She sat with me while I drank coffee...okay, truthfully she knocked my coffee out of my hands, alot, but it made me laugh.  Her entire body wagged as she walked, and I giggled.  When she found a stick on the ground, you would have believed she had found a bar of gold - raising her head high and strutting as if to show the world her treasure.  At the dog park, she didn't know a stranger - people and pets, all shapes and sizes, she loved them all.  I, was taking notes.   She was full of life and the only thing that ever concerned her was that very moment.   She changed my routine for the better.  We don't always know why people or pets come into our lives but I am grateful for the change that she brought to mine.  Two days after my son left for college, with Sydney in tow, I made the decision to adopt Oliver.  I promised myself that I would wait a month before deciding if I was ready to add another puppy to our household but I could not resist little Latte Blue Dot's face. He just sat there, day after day, with this look of confidence and wondering why he was one of the last 2 of 10 that had not been adopted.  I just couldn't wait any longer and I am so glad that I didn't. So, I made it two days of the 30...whatever :).    Now my days begin with doodle cuddles, long walks, funny expressions and tons of giggles. Calmness surrounds me simply by holding Oliver in my lap or brushing his fur and that, my friend, is the way to start a day.  The iPhone now stays on my dresser until I check it at 8:30 when my work day begins. 

My son and Sydney have been visiting during their Fall Break this weekend and will head back to school today.   Oliver, Sydney and I took a long walk this morning and I had the opportunity to practice what I have so passionately told  my yoga students.  I took in every sound...Oliver and his heavy pitter patter, Sydney and the cute sounds she makes when she is exploring smells - you know that sound that they make on the "Lollipop" song when you pop the inside of your cheek with you finger?  Think very soft version of that.  (You just tried it, didn't you?).  We walked as the high schools kids made their way to the bus stop and I took in those sweet smiles that fill their faces when they see my puppies coming toward them.  We walked as the sun rose and I noticed the pinks and the yellows, we dodged sprinklers and I felt the chill in the water,  I observed Sydney and Oliver as they exchanged these glances...they were "retriever" glances - as if they had important things to smell and investigate.  I got to experience, once again, how a a big stick can bring a swagger to Sydney's walk and how Oliver sometimes appeared to emulate Sydney (she is the older one, you know).  I thought about how lucky I am ...  I have my son who is completing his last year of college and Jack, who is an Officer in the Coast Guard serving in New Orleans, I have 4 sweet doggies that each bring their own unique personality and gift  to my life. I have my health and I have a great job that sustains me - even if I don't read email at 5:30 a.m.  Thank you Oliver and Sydney for the reminder to slow down, to observe and to practice awareness and gratefulness.  Thank you for your little wet paws and your dirty little faces on the front porch.  My day will be better today thanks to you!  If you are reading this, take a big breath, open your heart, and for goodness sake, go hug a doodle.    Wishing you a glorious day.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Just another walk....or not.

Today is my 7th day of battling some allergy/sinus/nasty cold thing and I must say that I am over it!  As with most people, being sick really gets in my way.  It's amazing however, how walking with Oliver can lift my spirits - even if I feel like crud.  This morning we took a really long walk on sidewalks, tall hills and in the grass.  One of Oliver's favorite things is to jump with me over a fallen tree that is off the beaten path in my neighborhood.  His trainer suggested that if I was interested in therapy work (and possibly agility training), that he needs to be exposed to walking on different textures, hearing different noises, and working with or around obstacles in his path.  His eagerness to please is expressed clearly through his eyes and always makes me laugh.  He has the same expression everytime..."Where's my treat?"    This afternoon, even though the couch and a cup of hot tea were calling my name, I decided to take all 3 dogs for a walk.  Toward the end of the walk, we came across some of my neighbors and a new family that had just moved here from New Jersey.  There were 6 children playing in the front yard ranging in ages from 2-10.  I let Oliver's leash fall to the ground and he quietly wondered over to see the children.  They were running, playing badminton, shooting things into the air but he was quiet and he was calm.   Children are drawn to him because he is so soft.  As we were talking, the mother from New Jersey came over with a tear in her eye and pointed out her 10 year old daughter who was sitting on the ground with Oliver and running her hand along his back.  She said that her daughter was terrified of dogs and that typically when they come around she gets so nervous that she physically shakes.  But there she was, with Oliver, each as calm as the other.  He just sat there and I think he knew and so did she.  I am in awe of this precious gift every single day.  I don't know how I got so  lucky!  I know he is going to impact lives in the future through his therapy work if it turns out that is a path that he is comfortable with.  If not, I know he will make my days sweeter!  Before we left, he grabbed the birdie from the badminton game and began running through the yard - all of the kids running behind him.  Definitely regretted not having the camera!  He just sat down while all of the children gathered around him and one of dad's shot a photo off the whole gang.  The dad then looked at me and asked, "Could we borrow him for our Christmas card photo?"  Perhaps the fear of dogs for one 10 year old girl began to shift today.  Thank you, Oliver - for helping a little girl with her fear and for giving me yet another reason to smile. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sweet Bond

It's been too long since I have written.  I have a great excuse, though.  Every spare moment has been devoted to getting to know my new sweet companion, Oliver G.  He was a little shy when he arrived and I wondered if he would be the snuggle companion that I was hoping for. He tolerated my constant hugs but he was content to entertain himself.  The first few nights I had him in bed (shh!  don't tell anyone!), he slept at the foot of the bed.  As the days have passed,  he has grown more and more affectionate.  I had a lump in the throat moment earlier this week when I stepped out of the shower to find him curled around the strap to my robe.  He had maneuvered it into a little pile of "smells like my momma" and had wrapped himself around it. I thought to myself "The bonding has officially begun". He is becoming my constant companion, following me from room to room, always curious but never invasive.  He rests quietly at my feet while I work and never seems to mind that I periodically bring him into my lap for squeezes and kisses.  When we go to the park, he runs behind me with ears flying and tail wagging and what, I swear sometimes, looks like a smile. He is patient with my two older dogs even though they have been less than open to him.  I have no doubt he will win them over eventually.    He looks directly at me when he is afraid, hears loud noises,  passes strangers or other dogs, as if to say "Am I okay?"  To which I always respond, No worries, Oliver, I've got your back. And I do.

Oliver came from a breeder in Alabama, Sherri Smeraglia.  Sherri has not only blessed families with these beautiful fur babies, but using her website and social media, has built this community of caring and loving families who have brought her puppies into their homes.  I have had the opportunity to meet people online  from all over the country and they all have one thing in common - They Love Dogs!  The facebook members are a constant source of support for one another.  Just log on,  day or night and let the love, support, advice and funny stories just wash over you.  I have yet to escape without a tear or a belly laugh.  Love lives there. 

My friend, Rita, sent me an email tonight with a number of touching quotes about dogs, each designed, of course,  to tug at your heart.  One of the quotes was from Gilda Radner and I think it fitting for this post:   "I think dogs are the most amazing creatures.  They give unconditional love.  For me, they are the role model for being alive".    No one I know has escaped heartache or fear at some time in their life. It would be so easy to allow those experiences to harden our hearts.  Dogs don't think this way.  Regardless of what they have been through, they just love.    I hope that I take the time to learn from Oliver (and Leo, Chloe and Sydney) every single day.  I know that I will be a better person for it. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Homecoming Day

Oliver at the Richmond International Airport
The weeks leading up to Oliver’s arrival seemed to last for months.  The hour  spent watching his crate sit on the tarmac seemed to last an eternity.   I had taken the red eye out of San Jose on Thursday evening and had flown all night to get to this moment.   I was fortunate to have my super sweet house sitter, dog sitter, former yoga studio employee, Kathleen with me that afternoon.   We watched from the back of my SUV as the plane descended, then landed.  We watched them unload the passengers, the luggage and the crate.  Oliver was the only pet passenger on that flight from Atlanta.  It was so frustrating to be 100 yards from him unable to do anything but wait.   I started to worry about everything.  What’s taking so long? What if something is wrong?  Won’t all that noise hurt his ears?   When the transport vehicle started in our direction, we were like giddy 5 year olds.  When the representative brought him around, he was lying perfectly still and staring forward.  He was stunning.  I opened the door and he hesitantly crawled forward on his belly.    I think I almost squeezed him to death.    He was hungry – which I obliged with lots of treats.  I got a pretty quick return on that investment..on the family room, hallway and kitchen floor J.  He rode quietly in the car and I talked in my best Alabama accent to make him feel at home.    He was so quiet the first night, content to just sit in my lap.  When it was time to go to bed,  he went quietly into his crate and slept all night.  Well, he fussed for about 90 seconds and then he was just quiet. That is a testament to his trainer, Selena, and having already having experienced that at Puppy Prep School.   I was so excited to have him home, I woke him up at 4 a.m. just to hold him and our first full day together had begun.   Oliver has officially come into my life and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Finally Home!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Question: What is your biggest fear about bringing this puppy into your home?

This is one of the questions asked on questionnaire that was sent to me by Smeraglia the week before Oliver began Puppy Prep School.  My answer?  "That I will love him so much, I will never want to go to work again!"  And, I haven't even met him yet!  What is it about these beautiful creatures that makes us fall in love with them and leaves us searching for the words to describe their adorableness...see what I mean?  If you have spent any time on the Smeraglia website, you know for sure that part of it is those glowy, fuzzy, slow motion videos featuring the beautiful Meredith snuggling with a gorgeous little puppy!  Anyone else had tears come to their eyes over one of those or caught yourself with a big silly grin on your face?  How about the  photos with the teddy bears and the big ribbons?  As soon as I saw Oliver in this big blue dotted bow, I knew that I wanted him!  Sherri is brilliant and I love her for bringing these babies to us!

Since I received my video of Oliver's first week in puppy school, I have watched it 1000 times and have invited  friends, business colleagues, even strangers on airplanes to watch it with me.  A fellow future doodle mom, Tracy James, used the term "doodleholic" this week.  She nailed it perfectly.

But it goes beyond that, once the puppies (excuse me..) umm, new family members, arrive at their  homes, it gets better.  These doodle parents are crazy about their doodle babies and have formed a facebook support system like no other.  There is a doodle family out there and you can become a member by bringing one of these heavenly creatures into your life. How awesome is that?

I was struck by something I read on my flight to California yesterday from a book entitled "Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell and Know" by Alexandra Horowitz.  It is on the NY Times Best Seller list.  She was talking about her beloved dog, Pumpernickel.   I dedicate this out to all of the doodle families and anyone who has ever loved a dog with all your heart because you will totally get this.

"It was our way of interacting together that made her who she was, that makes dogs that most people want to live with:  interested in our goings and comings, attentive to us, not overly intrusive, playful at just the right times.  She interpreted the world through acting on it, by seeing others act, by being shown, and by acting with me on the world - promoted into being a good member of the family.  And the more time we spent together, the more she became who she was and the more we were intertwined".

Oh and by the way, to my boss, if you are reading this.  I promise to come back to work!

Oliver and his trainer, Selena.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Four Dogs? In THIS house?

Oliver G. Doodle is a 10 week old English Teddy Bear Goldendoodle who currently resides in Robertsdale, Alabama.  He will be flying to Richmond to live with me in his new home in 5 days and I am ecstatic.   I have been nesting for 2 weeks.  Yes, nesting - just like I did when my son was born almost 22 years ago.  I have cleaned, organized, put the yard in order, shopped for toys, collars, leashes,beds, crates, and everything that a new puppy might need (and some things that he doesn't) .  I  have even had the carpets cleaned.  I know, carpets cleaned before bringing a new puppy home?  The last thing the carpet cleaner said to me was "Four Dogs?  In this house? - Here's my card, you're gonna need it".  Let me explain...
Leo, the 12 year old husky mix, has been part of our family since we rescued him at 6 months old.  He is the sweetest boy that ever existed.  He has had ACL surgery on both back legs and suffers from a bit of arthritis.  He has the most laid back personality EVER and will be the daddy figure/mentor to my new addition. 

Chloe, the 13 pound, 8 year old schnauzer mix is a silly little girl with a bit of neurosis. There is really no way to describe her.  She is much like that "weird" family member that shows up for Thanksgiving dinner.  I always tell people that she is like a cat...quite aloof.  Then she tells them that I lie by snuggling with them when they come by the house. 

Sydney, the 6 month old yellow lab was an angel sent to us in May of this year to help my son heal after he experienced a terrible tragedy.  She lives with my son who is completing his senior year in college. He attends a private, all boys college and she is the princess of  Theta Chi Nu.  Her "uncles" are ensuring that she is spoiled every day and that no "beer" ever touches her pretty little mouth. 

So, technically, there will only be four of them in the house periodically.  But I don't care.  I love them all.  They each bring me joy in their own way. 

The summer spent raising Sydney with my son brought me unbelievable happiness.  I actually made the time to play, I took that long walk each morning that I have been promising to do for myself for years.  I met more of my neighbors this summer than in the 6 years I have lived in my home - a cute puppy has a way of bringing people together. I took lunchtime walks and stopped working at a reasonable hour for a change.    I belly laughed every single day.  When she left for school with Cody, I made the decision, with Jack's encouragment and support, to bring a new puppy into my life.   Jack is my significant other who lives in New Orleans and serves as an Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard.  That is where my search began.

Extensive reseach led me to www.teddybeargoldendoodles.com and that is where I first spotted the handsome "Latte Blue Dot".  Smeraglia regularly posts videos of these amazing creatures and I couldn't stop watching the one with Oliver and his litter mates.  He was so funny...while the puppies romped and played, he just sat around in the background, munching on some unknown "treat" in the grass.  You can see it for yourself at:

I was hooked and made the call.  After speaking with Heather, one of the "doodle specialists" at Smeraglia,  I decided to bring him home.  "Latte" was Oliver's mother's name.  "Blue Dot" was the color of his ribbon which identified him from his littermates.  After many lists, advice from friends and lost sleep, I decided to name him Oliver G. Doodle, after his beautiful father, Sir Oliver and in honor of his breed - the goldendoodle.  Seriously, could you have resisted that face?  The adventure is about to begin...and I can't wait!